Fallout New Vegas Holorifle

The holorifle is one of the few truly unique weapons in the game. There are no other weapons that operate under its basic principles. Return to Fallout: New Vegas.

Content of the article: '(Fallout 3/ New Vegas) DLCs in Favorite orders'

  1. 🗡️ Holorifle is a weapon in Fallout Vegas Commands. Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and more. Find the best weapon for you.
  2. A strategy of firing and backing out of range, then creeping close to fire again is probably the most prudent.It wouldn't hurt to eat Psycho, Buffout, and Mentats to increase your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Players have reported success with Christine's CoS silencer rifle, also available in Old World Blues, and the holorifle, which can be found in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on “Dead Money”.
  3. Today I show you the unique weapon Holorifle in Fallout: New Vegas and spin your head with some interesting facts and glitches with the weapon!

Fallout New Vegas Holorifle

Fallout 3

  1. Broken Steel Don’t actually really care for the continuing main story part but what I do care for is the fact that I get to play after beating the game and 10 extra levels so this is a required DLC IMO

  2. The Pitt

I always loved going to The Pitt, the atmosphere was so cool to look at, the weapons were great, and I usually sided with Werhner because I thought the people needed the cure NOW but I realize ashur was probably a better choice

  1. Operation Anchorage

Going into this DLC on very hard more was a bitch to say the least, but other wise this was a pretty fun simulation of the Sino-American war, plus the Gary 23 glitch plus pick pocketing the Power Armored Soldiers is fucking OP as shit for really any build, and the loot from it is also great, whole set of t51b and a stealth suit AND winterized combat armor (from Gary of course)

  1. Point Lookout

I dunno, this DLC never hit for me, I don’t know why because it seems pretty cool, I’ll probably end up playing it again and enjoying it but my first playthough was fucking horrendous. Which is probably why I didn’t like it as much. I didn’t know how to navigate the place for the life of me. I like the part where you get high tho, and I do very much like the Haley max repair glitch too.

  1. Mothership Zeta

This DLC was fucking stupid, Aliens? Being the reason the nukes were dropped? Come on bruh! The loot imo wasn’t that good to me either just because I’m not really an Energy Weapons Dude, that katana and Paulsons Revolver were pretty sick tho, I always end up getting the two killed just to get their shit. I also can appreciate the lady who also has max repair, I’m gonna keep a tab on her and see if I can always go to her for repairs and maybe I’ll play this dlc more.

New Vegas

  1. Gun Runners Arsenal

Very helpful DLC indeed, I’m usually a courier who takes things into their own hands, and while everything was expensive as shit from that dlc, the weapons were fucking AMAZING, Two Step Goodbye gang where u at?

  1. Lonesome Road

That was an experience to say the least, what with the ugly fucks in the Tunnels, the marked men, the laser detonator Missile glitch (I’m a glitch abuser if you haven’t noticed) and generally everything about the DLC were very fun. Seeing The Courier and Ulysses fight to the death or work together against an army of Marked men was fucking awesome. Definitely a 8/10 on my part

  1. Old World Blues

I thought this DLC was gonna be pretty ass, but my first time playing though it was actually pretty damn fun, I got some cool shit, I think I got a talking stealth armor, and this dlc had some pretty funny dialogue, plus, just fucking going to Big MT you lose your brain, spine, and heart, but that’s not a bad thing is it? Especially since you can always ask for it back and have a better version your brain, spine, and heart.

  1. Honest Hearts

This DLC was lackluster for me honestly, the weapons were pretty lame for my stage in the game, and Joshua Graham was cool as shit, but he couldn’t carry this DLC. I also didn’t want to have to use True Iron Sights off just to use the Survivalist Rifle how it should’ve been anyways

  1. Courier’s Stash

This a convenience dlc at most, and it’s quite good at that, it’s a nice help for the early game, but that’s just about it, half the time I don’t even end up using the damn armors and shit and just stick with one and sell the rest to Chet or Vendortron when I speedrun all the way to Gun Runners. Useful indeed, but not later.

  1. Dead Money

Fuck, where do I start with this, I’ll start with the good. The Holorifle is my favorite gun from new Vegas and is probably my favorite in all of Fallout, and it was definitely something absolutely necessary for this dlc, because other wise I would probably skip this if it weren’t for what I was gonna talk about next. The Vendor Glitch is absolutely OP, an unlimited amount of stims and ammo and all the shit that it gives you, if you grind the entire dlc to get all the tapes then wait the atrocious amount of in game time required to do the glitch. It sounds good on paper, but it did not carry me through the cons of this dlc. The fucking main enemies, I forgot their names because I haven’t played this in a fat minute. Those fuckers were stupid annoying, the fact that a holorifle crit occasionally didn’t kill them, or the fact that the holorifle took a couple of shots to kill these fuckers made this dlc very sour for me. One thing that also peeved me was the fact that we couldn’t go back after the DLC was done, it affected the entire rep of the DLC for me.

Alright, i’m done ranting. Leave your favorites in the comments or something. Fuck Zeta and DM

Source: reddit.com

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Fallout New Vegas Holorifle Perks