Gradle Stop Daemon

  1. Stop Gradle Daemon Android Studio
  2. Stop Gradle Daemon Windows
  3. Gradle Remove Stopped Daemons
AllGradle Stop Daemon

$ gradle -stop Stopping daemon. Gradle daemon stopped. This will stop the Java background process completely. To always use the -daemon command-line option, without typing it every time we run the gradle command, we can create an alias—if our operating system supports aliases. For example, on a Unix-based system we can create an alias. When executed with -continue, Gradle will execute every task to be executed where all of the dependencies for that task completed without failure, instead of stopping as soon as the first failure is encountered. Each of the encountered failures will be reported at the end of the build. EDIT: Actually the daemon is on by default. What we once thought was a non-daemon build is now kicking off a separate daemon process. This breaks our CI build. Running a non-daemon build in one terminal, and then calling gradlew -stop in another terminal will kill the first process with the following error:. Exception is: org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.DaemonStoppedException: daemon. I am setting jvm args in my gradle build and it is giving me this mildly annoying message: Note: in order to honour the org.gradle.jvmargs and/or values specified for this build, it is necessary to fork a new JVM.

Points to Remember

  1. Gradle runs on JVM and several other dependencies.
  2. Gradle has to do boootstrap stuff whenever gradle is started.
  3. This startup process takes time and makes the build slower.

To overcome these points gradle daemon was introduced.

What is a Gradle Daemon ?

Gradle daemon is a long lived background background process that can be reused for building gradle projects faster. Gradle wrapper saves the time for starting a new gradle instance every time and saves time required for bootstrapping and initialization.Such bootstrap tasks include

  1. Initialization of JVM
  2. Cache Project information
  3. Cache files , tasks
  4. Project structures etc

Gradle daemon is configurable and can be switched on of off using in path <user-home>/.gradle/

Also, gradle daemon should be used only for development environments and not for production environmnets. This is beacasue in production environments you want to build your projet independently since it is more reliable.


Check the status of Gradle Daemon

To check the status of the gradle deamon you can use the command

The above command gives the following output. (A Gradle version can only connect to daemons of the same version.)

How to stop a Gradle daemon

To stop all running gradle daemon processess you can run the following command.

This will stop all the daemon processess that started with the same version of gradle that is used to execute the command.

Stop Gradle Daemon Android Studio

States of a Gradle Daemon

A radle daemon can be in the following states.

  1. idle - this is a gradle state that is running but is not doing any execution. This gradle daemon can be used for running new builds.
  2. compatible - This is a gradle daemon that is compatible for running a gradle biuld.

Stop Gradle Daemon Windows

Gradle stop daemon

Gradle Remove Stopped Daemons

Gradle build, firsts checks for an idle daemon with compatible configurations, if it exists, then the build is started using this daemon, if no such daemon exists then gradle will start a new gradle daemon for running the build.