Shadowfang Keep Classic

Run to Southshore. Grab Flight Path. Run to Shadowfang Keep. That's basically it. There's no other easier way. The first trek up there sucks, but once you've got the Flight Path to Southshore it isn't quite as awful. Sever is an Elite NPC that can be found in Shadowfang Keep. The location of this NPC is unknown. In the NPCs category. Added in Classic World of Warcraft.

For the pre-Cataclysm instance loot, see Shadowfang Keep loot (Classic).
Shadowfang Keep

Loot (Normal)

Shadowfang Keep Classic Location

Baron Ashbury[Baron's Scepter]
[Robes of Arugal]
[Wolfmaster Cape]
Baron Silverlaine[Silverlaine's Family Seal]
Commander Springvale[Arced War Axe]
[Commander's Crest]
Lord Walden[Butcher's Cleaver]
[Black Wolf Bracers]
[Phantom Armor]
[Eerie Stable Lantern]
Lord Godfrey[Odo's Ley Staff]
[Meteor Shard]
[Feline Mantle]

Shadowfang Keep Classic Minimum Level

Loot (Heroic)

In WoW I am a level 29 Gnome Mage and I have a quest telling me to go to the dungeon ShadowFang Keep. I recieved the quest in stormwind and that is where I am at the moment. I cannot just do a normal dungeon there because I am higher than the required level to go there so it wont let me. Could someone tell me where exactly in eversong song woods shadowfang keep is and how I can get there from.

Baron Ashbury[Baron Ashbury's Cuffs]
[Robes of Arugal]
[Boots of the Predator]
[Traitor's Grips]
[Gloves of the Greymane Wall]
Baron Silverlaine[Boots of Lingering Sorrow]
[Gloves of the Uplifted Cup]
[Baron Silverlaine's Greaves]
[Baroness Silverlaine's Locket]
[Pendant of the Keep]
Commander Springvale[Arced War Axe]
[Thieving Spaulders]
[Haunting Footfalls]
[Breastplate of the Stilled Heart]
[Springvale's Cloak]
Lord Walden[Blinders of the Follower]
[Double Dealing Bracers]
[Burden of Lost Humanity]
[Iron Will Girdle]
[Phantom Armor]
Lord Godfrey[Staff of Isolation]
[Mantle of the Eastern Lords]
[Mantle of Loss]
[Worgen Hunter's Helm]
[Greaves of the Misguided]
[Helm of Untold Stories]
[Lord Walden's Breastplate]
[Shackles of Undeath]

Shadowfang Keep Classic Guide

Fel Steed is a level 18 - 35 Elite NPC that can be found in Shadowfang Keep. The location of this NPC is unknown. In the Courser NPCs category. For the original version of this dungeon before Cataclysm, see Shadowfang Keep (original). Shadowfang Keep is a haunted keep near the borders of Gilneas in southern Silverpine Forest 45, 68, on a high bluff overlooking Pyrewood Village. It is the former base of operations for the demented archmage Arugal, who wrested the keep from Baron Silverlaine with his worgen 'children' and held it until.

Shadowfang Keep Classic Wow Loot Table

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